International Review of Philanthropy and Social Investment

volume 3

A journal of the Centre on African Philanthropy and Social Investment

The International Review of Philanthropy and Social Investment is an interdisciplinary international journal for cutting and leading edge primary research on philanthropy and social investment. It is a project of the Centre on African Philanthropy and Social Investment at the Wits Business School in South Africa with wider perspectives. Aimed at the academic and research communities, it explores the emergent and developing field of philanthropy and social investment in Africa and beyond. The initiative is a response to both the research gap in the area as well as lack of a journal dedicated to this field of knowledge and practice. As a result, the journal combines full length academic articles and empirical experiences from practitioners, most of whom have vast knowledge which is seldom documented. The journal is also a bridge between theory and of practice both in the philanthropic and private sector spheres. It is an essential resource for academics, researchers, policy makers and practitioners in the fields of philanthropy and social investment. In short, the journal fills a growing need to develop the international knowledge infrastructure for rapidly expanding interest in this field of human behavior.


ISSN(print): 2708-3314

ISSN(online): 2708-3322


TitleAuthor(s)SourceDocument Link
How distance and technology affected philanthropy in Kenya: A review of the journey of HarambeeTom Mboya Were, Paul Kamau, Sara Kinsbergen and Dirk-Jan KochSabinetView / Download Article
Growing Tree Model: An integrated approach to foundational learning during the COVID-19-induced lockdownSimbarashe Show Mazongonda andRaymond ChipfakachaSabinetView / Download Article
Reporting the dynamics of indigenous philanthropic organisations in Malawi, Namibia and the DRCChengete ChakameraSabinetView / Download Article
Triggers of Liquidity Glut in Central and West African CountriesShongwe W. Mbongeni andImhotep Paul AlagidedeSabinetView / Download Article
International Review of Philanthropy and Social InvestmentImhotep Yegandi Paul AlagidedeSabinetView / Download Article