Inspire others with your story

Reflecting on 2022: Kisima, African Giving Platform

By Stractiv8 Impact


The Kisima, African Giving Platform is dedicated to enabling the practice of giving through storytelling. On the platform, visitors are introduced to individuals and organisations located in different countries across the continent, who have implemented programmes and projects that are making a difference in their communities. One of the ways that they will be able to continue their work successfully is through the philanthropic efforts of which each visitor has the power to practice.

During the launch of the Kisima, African Giving Platform, patron mama Graça Machel shared power that lies within each African. “Solidarity, passion, caring are the real glue to social development and transformation of societies. Everywhere I have gone, I have marvelled as to how each and every one of us has a story of that one person, or group or people, who helped them in one form or another. Equally interesting is that everyone of us has helped somebody at some point time in our own ways.” She further shares “If everyone in Africa gave only a dollar annually, we would raise money enough to respond to urgent crises. Today it is COVID19, tomorrow it may be climate change and other pandemics looming.”


This year, we committed to continuing the work that started in 2021 by either launching supporting or accelerating existing efforts. In the month of April, we introduced a series of hybrid events titled Kisima Dialogues, where members of the community were provided an opportunity to connect with the individuals and organisations whose stories of giving are hosted on the platform. This allowed for more in-depth discussions on the themes of Youth in Philanthropy and the Freedom to Give, while also giving valuable visibility for the work that has been fulfilled in communities. More of these dialogues will be hosted in the new year.


Keynote address by Dr Judy Dlamini at Kisima Dialogue April 

Keynote address by Thabang Skwambane at Kisima Dialogue August

Presentation on Youth in Philanthropy by Dr Asabea Ahwireng-Obeng 


A key outcome that was achieved during this year was the launch of the Kisima, African Giving Platform mobile application on the Google Play Store. This expands the digital footprint of the platform and makes the stories as well as the opportunity to give, available to a wider audience. The availability of the mobile app on the Apple Store will be concluded in the new year.


With an increasing number of stories shared on the platform, one of the primary objectives of 2023 will be the launch of giving campaigns. This is the direct application of lessons learnt from observations made during the global pandemic lockdown, where people can give finances and resources towards a theme whose actors are in critical need of support, for example health research or vaccine deployment. Within these campaigns, donors will be able to see all the organisations who will receive  the donations given and be able to track progress of the projects or programmes, again though storytelling.

We invite you to watch some of the stories that have been submitted on the website.

Stractiv8 Impact is a communications and digital engagement agency that works with social impact organisations in the Global South.

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The Charles mott foundation

An automotive pioneer, philanthropist, and leader in the community, Charles Stewart Mott cared about innovation, fairness, and communities. By working toward a world where each individual’s quality of life is connected to the well-being of the community, both locally and globally, the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation continues this legacy.

A founding funder of the Centre, the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation supported the establishment of the Chair and continues to support our programmes.

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