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Reflecting on 2022: African Philanthropy Conference

By Stractiv8 Impact


Since its launch in 2019, the African Philanthropy Conference has grown to become one of the must-attend conferences in the sector calendar. Following the fully virtual 2021 edition, this year’s conference adopted a hybrid format, with the in-person portion hosted in Johannesburg South Africa, which allowed for the much needed interaction that many had not had since before the global pandemic. The conference was hosted by the partnership of the Centre on African Philanthropy and Social Investment at the Wits Business School, TrustAfrica, Higherlife Foundation, Africa Philanthropy Forum, African Philanthropy Network, East Africa Philanthropy Network and Southern Africa Trust.


This year’s conference was unique in that it introduced a precursor event. The inaugural African Philanthropy Academic Conference was hosted by CAPSI and Wits Business School, serving to bring research rigour and the process of developing philanthropy in Africa. Doctoral graduates and renowned academics from research and academic institutions, presented insightful papers that will form part of the body of work that is supported by the Academic Conference.


The theme of the 2022 conference was Systems Change and The New Normal in African Philanthropy: Trends, Practices and Policies – with the objective of addressing system changes that are required in philanthropy in the new normal, especially as these changes relate to the continent’s institutions, policies and practices. To support the discussions that this timely theme offered, the programme of the conference was structured into three pillars, namely Philanthropy and Climate Change, Philanthropy and the Youth, and Technology and Systems in Philanthropy’s Practices. In this format, keynote addresses, plenary sessions and sub-thematic parallel sessions were moderated by partner organisations, with panelists who presented insightful observations to their discussions.


This year’s conference attracted an audience of delegates from across the globe, which included philanthropy practitioners, members of civil society, academics from numerous African universities, donors and business owners. Those who were able to travel to Johannesburg greatly enjoyed the opportunity to network within the sector and form new relationships.


As we look forward to 2023, we are excited to declare the month of August as “African Philanthropy Month”, which will host the 4th African Philanthropy Conference and the 2nd African Philanthropy Academic Conference in Dakar, Senegal. The partner organisations are excited to collaborate to support the strides that the sector continues to make.

Stractiv8 Impact is a communications and digital engagement agency that works with social impact organisations in the Global South.

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An automotive pioneer, philanthropist, and leader in the community, Charles Stewart Mott cared about innovation, fairness, and communities. By working toward a world where each individual’s quality of life is connected to the well-being of the community, both locally and globally, the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation continues this legacy.

A founding funder of the Centre, the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation supported the establishment of the Chair and continues to support our programmes.

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